Case Detail
Scanning Rangefinder

Safety measures for processing machine

Safety measures for processing machine

Safety measures for processing machine
When workers passing by found foreign objects in the basket filled with the stored parts and tried to remove it, newly delivered parts from bearing processing machine sometimes hit the workers hands.
The basket was out of sight of the operator and was unaware of it.
The processing machine itself was implemented with a light curtain, but the basket was not taken any safety measures.

Case Study

Case Study

The area around the basket is monitored by LiDAR, and when an operator approaches, the operator is notified by a warning lamp so that the operator can stop the machine in case of danger.
Since the fence cannot be installed due to the transportation of the basket, and it is difficult to modify the processing machine itself, it was necessary to use LiDAR with detection area configuration function.

In addition, as a result of conducting a risk assessment this time, it was judged that there would be no problem even if there was no safety rated measure, so UST-05LN is used, which is not a safety rated product.