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Solid State 3D LiDAR YLM-10LX

Solid State 3D LiDAR YLM-10LX
Hokuyo Automatic Co., Ltd (HQ: Osaka, President: Hitoshi Ozaki) has jointly developed and introduced YLM-X001 as a prototype model last year with American technology company Lumotive, Inc. (Redmond, WA) by utilizing its original solid state scanning technique.

Hokuyo will finally release YLM-10LX as a commercial product this year. Compared to the prototype model, its size and cost are optimized by utilizing smaller Light Control MetasurfaceTM (LCM) chip, LM10 and adjusted the inside structure to fit in the small casing.

Hokuyo integrated its LiDAR design technology and Lumotive's cutting-edge beam steering technology LCM for core-value. This product transmits one line of laser, scanned vertically and received line by line. So compared with ToF camera that flashes the light to whole field of view, the multi-pass interference can be mitigated, that enables to measure distances more accurately in mobile environment.
Unlike the mechanical scanning, range of FoV, the number of FoVs and its resolution are dynamically changeable by the software. Multiple FoVs can be also set at the same time.

This product will surely enable innovative applications that could not be realized with conventional mechanical scanning technology, and will aim to expand business with a focus on mobile applications such as AGV/AMR and service robots, where the use of LiDAR is expected to expand in the future.

General information of this commercial model : YLM-10LX