Products Detail


Optical Data Transmission DeviceParallel type
This product is no longer in production or sales.

Handy type E84 tester for checking the unit of the optical data transmission device (DMG,DMJ and DMS).
Possible to check transfer sequence and read the log data.


Read-out log data(Optical SFOC function)

Read-out log data(Optical SFOC function)
Optical communication data downloaded from the optical data transmission device with logging function (DMG,DMJ series) can be displayed as a timing chart when troubles such as interlock occur.
Optical communication data can be saved and read out.

Log data can be saved on PC

Log data can be saved on PC
Log data read by HTC-001 can be saved on PC and displayed with the application.
*The application is included with the unit.

Operation check of Interlock system (Optical RIS function)

SEMI E84 simulator.
It is possible to select the type of a tested item (Passive/Active), the test pattern (Load/Unload) and also to confirm the transfer operation(bit I/O interlock operation transition state).
*The available transfer type is Single only.


Model Code number Transmission distance
HTC-001 WHTC001 0.6m


  E84 Handheld Tester
Model HTC-001
Transmission directions Head-on
Power source Nickel hydrogen battery×4(4.8V) AC adapter
Current consumption 800mA or less
Transmission distance 0.6m
Battery life About 7 hours(while continuous use[back light setting 1])
Charging time About 3 hours
Operating temperature/humidity 0℃~+40℃・85%RH or below(without dew and condensation)
Ambient illumination Incandescent lamp:4000 lx or below, halogen 4000 lx or below
Impact resistance 490m/s2(50G) X,Y,Z three directions
Three times for each direction (JIS5026)
Protective structure No protection
Outside dimension 266×144×63mm
Case weight Approx.900g
Application software Function ・Displays log data of HTC-001
・Displays sequence test reports
Display method Timing chart(log data)・Excel spreadsheet(test report)

External dimension


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Download List

Category File name File size Date modified Download
Instruction Manual_HTC-001
Application Manual_HTC-001
Application Software
Application Software_HTC-001